Recently Master Francisco Quintero, Master Sabine Parlow and I held a beautiful Opening Your Spiritual Channels Retreat with 106 participants in Berlin, Germany. It was very heart-touching to see everyone open their hearts and spiritual channels much more.
One of the very special Divine and Tao services that we offered were Tao Soul Song Blessing audio recordings, which carry Tao soul frequency, vibration, love, forgiveness, compassion and light to bring Tao soul healing and transformation to your health, relationships, finances, business, soul journey or any aspect of life.
On the last day, Master Francisco, Master Sabine and I all received a Tao Soul Song for Opening the Soul, Heart and Mind. When one of us received our Tao Song, the others sang. When Master Francisco and Master Sabine sang their Tao Songs for me, it was one of the most beautiful experiences of my whole life. I received so many beautiful messages in the Tao Song to bring further Tao soul healing and transformation to my life. The incredible divine and Tao love, forgiveness, compassion and light that flowed through them were beyond words. I was so open, touched and grateful. I experienced an incredible Tao soul healing that has transformed me forever. It is literally indescribable.
The photo you see in this post was taken right after we all had received our Tao Songs from each other. When I look at the photo again, I instantly reconnect with the experience. It brings a big smile into my heart, soul and face. I am filled with such incredible love, joy and happiness.
Last Sunday, I woke up with incredible purification in my soul, heart, mind and body. There was a lot coming up to be cleared. I did not feel that good.
So what did I do for soul healing and transformation?
I repeatedly played this beautiful Tao Song for about one hour. With each time I played it, I received more Tao Soul Song blessings and became lighter, clearer and more open. Then, I was able to go into some intensive spiritual practices for about four hours. I came out feeling so much happier, clearer and cleaner! I am so grateful that I had this Tao Song from Master Francisco and Master Sabine. The Tao Soul Song Blessing audio recordings are priceless jewels for the life and soul journey. They are accessible whenever you need them!
I would love for you to experience one now. Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha has made many Tao Soul Songs that humanity can benefit from any time on Master Sha’s YouTube page. I invite you to benefit and receive a powerful blessing right now from Master Sha’s Tao Song for Love here:
Let me know what you experience when you look at this photo and listen to Master Sha’s Tao Song in the comments area of this post.
Thank you for sharing dear Master David and for the beautiful reminder of Master Sha´s Tao Songs. I am forever grateful for the impact of the Master Sha´s Tao Songs on my life. I remember when Master Sha started to offer this extraordinary free service to humanity in December 2009 where I was facing a very challenging situation and experiencing deep purification of my emotional and mental body .For about two month the only thing that I could do in the morning when I woke up, was to "touch the botton" and play the sacred Tao Songs of Master Sha. I can truly say that the Soul Songs have not only made my day, they have saved my life and soul journey through the amount of heaven´s virtue that I have recieved with these blessings. And it was one of my most beautiful life experiences later in 2010 when I had the greatest honor to support Master Sande during the recording of this Tao Love Song above in Barcelona. I was overwhealmed with deepest joy and gratitude, knowing in my heart what it could mean to a person to have the opportunity to listen to even only one Tao Song...My beloved mentor Master Marilyn Smith was the first one who offered a personal Tao Song for me that I could record and listen to it as much as I wish...It´s is a timeless gift....I can only recommend from my heart and soul that everyone receives at least one personal Tao Song from one of the Disciples of Master Sha for his own personal request. It is truly priceless.With my deepest Love and Gratitude.
ReplyDeleteDear Magdalena,
DeleteThank you so much for such beautiful, heart-touching sharing. You express it so beautifully. I am so happy for you.
With love and blessings,
Master David Lusch
Great photo & blog reflections thank you master David
ReplyDeleteDear Jenni,
DeleteThank you for all of your love and support. I hope my blog will continue to benefit you.
With love and blessings,
Master David Lusch
Dear Master David, when I listen to Master Sha and watch the video, my heart just instantly opens and all the worries dissipate. It is so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI also received an individual Tao Soul Song for Opening the Soul, Heart and Mind of Master David. I listen to it everyday, especially when I feel that struggels and emotions come up. Everytime it has helped me incredibly. Whenever I turn it on the love that I feel coming out of the singing is just so pure. It touches me so deeply and heals the pain, it calms my mind and I feel taken care of instantly. Then I remember that my struggles are a gift for me to learn, purify, and grow, and I can move on instead of staying stuck for weeks or months.
Please use the chance to register for one of these individual Tao Soul Songs sang by Master David or Master Sabine. This is a gift that will serve you for the rest of your life.
Dear Aljona,
DeleteThank you for such beautiful sharing. The Tao Songs are priceless beyond words because they carry Tao soul healing power. I am so happy that your Tao Song has continually brought you soul healing and transformation to your life and soul journey. We are honored to be vehicles to serve you and others. Have a beautiful day.
With love and blessings,
Master David Lusch
Dear Master David, I love you so very much. Thank you for sharing this post and the beautiful picture of yours with Master Sabine and Master Francisco. I look at this picture and i feel nourished with Greatest Love. When i see you all together with so much love, i want to move to Europe. I feel inspiried. I want to be a Divine Channel. Thank you for being a role model for DCIT's. I received an AHA reading your blog today. I have been very shaky with all the testing and purification lately. I used be able to come out of purification easily before and one way was listening to Master sha's videos constantly. Thank you so much for reminding me again. I will go back to listening to the videos again. TY TY TY CBD CBD CBD
ReplyDeleteDear Avi,
DeleteThank you for your beautiful words. We would love to have you come visit Berlin and all the areas of Europe!
Listening to the Tao Songs are such powerful ways to bring some of the highest soul healing and transformation to our lives and soul journeys. I encourage everyone and you to do it more often and daily.
You will make a great Divine Channel one day - hopefully as soon as possible. Thank you for all that you do.
With love and blessings,
Master David Lusch