So many people suffer from fear in life. Some examples are fear of failure or success, fear of being right or wrong, fear of speaking the truth or not speaking the truth, fear of what others may think or may not think, and more. There is a common pattern of people being fearful of one or the other side of any particular issue. Some people become debilitated by fear. Fear is also a major driver of OCD.
Fear controls so many people’s lives. Therefore, it is important to bring soul healing to fear. It is important to transform fear to courage. Join me for more teachings and a powerful practice to bring soul healing and transformation of fear to courage in this radio show.
I also invite you to join many other powerful Soul Healing Miracles radio shows on the Soul Healing Miracles Radio Channel.
Please be sure to join the new Soul Healing Miracles Chanting Channel where you can practice, receive blessings and serve humanity 24/7! I invite you to open your heart and practice with me during the Love and Forgiveness Hour, Monday-Friday, 7:00-8:00 am Central European / 1:00-2:00 am Eastern. I also invite you to join me for the Soul Wisdom and Answer Session on Mondays from 7:00-9:00 pm Central European / 1:00-3:00 pm Eastern.
Enjoy the show! I look forward to reading your feedback.